
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Official Trailer Breakdown Reaction

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness just released the new trailer. You see the characters looked like zombie. What? And there you can see number of game changer scene. There is too much to explained and implications of everything. You can see new teaser in Hindi or English on YouTube.

In the beginning of the trailer Doctor Strange says, he dreamed one dream in every night, and which they see the nightmare vision or horror vision but it should be more dramatic when you see numbers of skeleton around the Doctor Strange on that place. But it’s a harsh moment when you see America Chavez tied between nexus and reality. That unknown creature calling to someone else through the starship portal and you see falling down of Defender Strange in the starship portal. You know America Chavez is the one who can open and travel into the starship portal. Next womb tells to strange that he opened the door between the universe and now won’t anyone know who or what will walk through it. He did what he had to do for protect the world, but he cannot control the everything.

In the trailer Strange questions Wanda, what she knows about the multiverse, she tells about the multiverse that Vision had his theories that he believed it is so dangerous. And we all know he is right. Next, you see the wizard going to martyr in kamataaz, where you can see the doctor strange in the sky. And there is one new character spot named Rintrah, that’s a very interesting character in MCU. He belongs to other dimensions, basically, he helps Doctor strange in comics. In this, you see the Ex-girlfriend of Doctor Strange, Dr. Christine Palmer who married someone else, and that Christine Palmer also comes from the other universe.

In the trailer, you see some Ultron bots take Doctor Strange to any organization. That organization’s place is illuminati. Marvel illuminati is basically is the group of some secret world security council of the marvel universe. From this sequence, you hear the voice of Patrick Stewart who is from the X-Men franchise, Professor X Charles Xavier. And you see there are six chairs not of all are filled but the which were filled that one hooded people and one more people that its may be Mr. Fantastic but which not properly visible, and that all peoples are member of illuminati. As we know all the MCU character connected with multiverse this means all X-Men and Fantastic 4 heroes in those movie are going forward in MCU movie its no so fast but slowly soon. If I guess the other member first of all I remind Supreme iron-man. If the there are Ultron bots that means iron man also exist.

Next you see the Captain Marvel or may be someone their variant who fight with Wanda. Wanda tells to Doctor Strange that their desecration of reality will not go unpunished. You breaks the rule and become hero, I do it and i become the enemy. This doesn’t seems fair. Which confirms that the reason of multiverse directly belongs to Wanda. And you also see from first movie Doctor Strange break the rule of magic and every magic tricks have some cost which may be anything.

In next shot you see the two Wanda, If you seen the Wanda Vision series then you know the place is west view city. Click Here to know about Westview City. Here Wanda looking up their children but she screw up with own version of other universe. You also see the Wanda in zombie version. In last of trailer you see the Doctor Strange in zombie look where they absorb the creatures of defender and that look convert in dramatic zombie look. So, here these are the some breakdown details of new Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of the Madness.

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